- Creator: Darkyy92x
- Version: 2.1
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: August 24, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Here are the cheat codes for Pokemon Elite Redux. All these cheats have been tested and are working, verified by various players online. To avoid any typing mistakes, you can copy the codes directly into your emulator, as they include combinations of numbers and letters.
Download the latest version of Pokemon Elite Redux.
The game is enjoyable on its own, but using cheats can make it even more entertaining. Remember to enter them as either Game Shark (Action Replay) or Code Breaker cheats, and ensure they are activated; otherwise, they won’t be effective. Additionally, avoid using too many cheats simultaneously to prevent the game from crashing or glitching.
Pokemon Elite Redux Cheat List
Warning: Before using these cheats, please be aware that using cheats can sometimes mess up your game. Occasionally, It can also cause random freezing and other various glitches. As a rule of thumb, enable one cheat at a time. And finally, make sure to save your game before using any cheat code.
Pokemon Modifier Cheats
Use the codes as instructed in each section. The cheats will allow you to encounter Pokemon from all Generations.
Replace the YYYY with the Pokemon Code.
The Pokemon names will be what it should have appeared, so change it.
Mega Forms (Originals)
05DD = Venusaur
05DE = Charizard X
05DF = Charizard Y
05E0 = Blastoise
05E1 = Beedrill
05E2 = Pidgeot
05E3 = Alakazam
05E4 = Slowbro
05E5 = Gengar
05E6 = Kangaskhan
05E7 = Pinsir
05E8 = Gyarados
05E9 = Aerodactyl
05EA = Mewtwo X
05EB = Mewtwo Y
05EC = Ampharos
05ED = Steelix
05EE = Scizor
05EF = Heracross
05F0 = Houndoom
05F1 = Tyranitar
05F2 = Sceptile
05F3 = Blaziken
05F4 = Swampert
05F5 = Gardevoir
05F6 = Sableye
05F7 = Mawile
05F8 = Aggron
05F9 = Medicham
05FA = Manectric
05FB = Sharpedo
05FC = Camerupt
05FD = Altaria
05FE = Banette
05FF = Absol
0600 = Glalie
0601 = Salamence
0602 = Metagross
0603 = Latias
0604 = Latios
0605 = Lopunny
0606 = Garchomp
0607 = Lucario
0608 = Abomasnow
0609 = Gallade
060A = Audino
060B = Diancie
060C = Rayquaza
060D = Kyogre
060E = Groudon
Alolan Forms
060F = Rattata
0610 = Raticate
0611 = Raichu
0612 = Sandshrew
0613 = Sandslash
0614 = Vulpix
0615 = Ninetales
0616 = Diglett
0617 = Dugtrio
0618 = Meowth
0619 = Persian
061A = Geodude
061B = Graveler
061C = Golem
061D = Grimer
061E = Muk
061F = Exeggutor
0620 = Marowak
Galarian Forms
0621 = Meowth
0622 = Ponyta
0623 = Rapidash
0624 = Slowpoke
0625 = Slowbro
0626 = Farfetch’d
0627 = Weezing
0628 = Mr. Mime
0629 = Articuno
062A = Zapdos
062B = Moltres
062C = Slowking
062D = Corsola
062E = Zigzagoon
062F = Linoone
0630 = Darumaka
0631 = Darmanitan
0632 = Yamask
0633 = Stunfisk
Hisuian Forms
0711 = Qwilfish
0712 = Growlithe
0713 = Arcanine
0714 = Voltorb
0715 = Electronde
0716 = Typhlosion
0717 = Sneasel
0718 = Samurott
0719 = Liligant
071A = Braviary
071B = Sliggoo
071C = Goodra
071D = Avalugg
071E = Decidueye
071F = Zorua
0720 = Zoroark
Pikachu Forms
0634 = Pikachu
0635 = Pikachu
0636 = Pikachu
0637 = Pikachu
0638 = Pikachu
0639 = Pikachu
063A = Pikachu
063B = Pikachu
063C = Pikachu
063D = Pikachu
063E = Pikachu
063F = Pikachu
0640 = Pikachu
0642 = Pichu
Mega Forms (Custom/New)
0835 = Milotic
0836 = Butterfree
0837 = Machamp
0838 = Pincer
0839 = Lapras
083A = Flygon
083B = Kingdra
083C = Dewgong
083D = Hitmonchan
083E = Hitmonlee
083F = Hitmontop
0840 = Crobat
0841 = Skarmory
0842 = Bruxish
0843 = Torterra
0844 = Infernape
0845 = Empoleon
0846 = Shuckle
0847 = Relicanth
0848 = Toucannon
0849 = Dragonite
084A = Breloom
084B = Slaking
084C = Feraligatr
084D = Feraligatr
084E = Granbull
084F = Jellicent
0850 = Quagsire
0851 = Gyarados
0852 = Haxorus
0853 = Kingdra
0854 = Meganium
0855 = Luxray
0856 = Nidoking
0857 = Nidoqueen
0858 = Sandslash
0859 = Typhlosion
085A = Krookodile
085B = Magnezone
085C = Shedinja
085D = Swalot
085E = Lanturn
085F = Lapras
0860 = Slowking
0861 = Ribombee
0862 = Alakazam
0863 = Beedrill
0864 = Machamp
0865 = Skarmory
0866 = Arcanine
0867 = Garchomp
0868 = Mawile
0869 = Sableye
086A = Houndoom
086B = Froslass
086C = Scrafty
Pokemon (Custom/New)
09C5 = Dewleon
09C6 = Infernape
09C7 = Noibat
09C8 = Noivern
09C9 = Luxray
09CA = Clawitzer
09CB = Honedge
09CC = Doublade
09CD = Aegislash
09CE = Aegislash (Bow)
09CF = Abra
09D0 = Kadabra
09D1 = Alakazan
09D2 = Weedle
09D3 = Kakuna
09D4 = Beedrill
09D5 = Stufful
09D6 = Bewear
09D7 = Panpour
09D8 = Simipour
09D9 = Pansage
09DA = Simisage
09DB = Pansear
09DC = Simisear
09DD = Slugma
09DE = Magcargo
09DF = Buizel
09E0 = Floatzel
09E1 = Azelf
09E2 = Mesprit
09E3 = Uxie
09E4 = Machop
09E5 = Machoke
09E6 = Machamp
09E7 = Solosis
09E8 = Duosion
09E9 = Reuniclus
09EA = Skarmory
09EB = Growlithe
09EC = Arcanine
09ED = Whismur
09EE = Loudred
09EF = Exploud
09F0 = Gible
09F1 = Gabite
09F2 = Garchomp
09F3 = Deino
09F4 = Zweilous
09F5 = Hydreigon
09F6 = Pawniard
09F7 = Bisharp
09F8 = Mawile
09F9 = Sableye
09FA = Houndour
09FB = Houndoom
09FC = Doduo
09FD = Dodrio
09FE = Kingambit
09FF = Larvitar
0A00 = Pupitar
0A01 = Tyranitar
0A02 = Tyranitar (Fire)
0A03 = Ursaluna
0A04 = Iron Exo
0A05 = Scizor
0A06 = Wooper
0A07 = Basculin
0A08 = Escarginite
Item Modifier Cheats
Use the codes as instructed in each section. These cheats will allow you to obtain an unlimited amount of any of the listed items. You can go to any Item PC to withdraw an unlimited amount of said items or buy the said item from Poke-mart (depends on the item).
Item Modifier Code
820051B4 YYYY
You need to beat the gym in Petalburg City to unlock. (for some reason?)
PokeBalls (Including Master Ball)
0001 = Master Ball
0002 = Ultra Ball
0003 = Great Ball
0004 = Poké ball
0005 = Safari Ball
0006 = Net Ball
0007 = Dive Ball
0008 = Nest Ball
0009 = Repeat Ball
000A = Timer Ball
000B = Luxury Ball
000C = Dusk Ball
000D = Heal Ball
000E = Quick Ball
000F = Cherish Ball
0010 = Fast Ball
0011 = Level Ball
0012 = Lure Ball
0013 = Heavy Ball
0014 = Love Ball
0015 = Friend Ball
0016 = Moon Ball
0017 = Sport Ball
0018 = Park Ball
0019 = Dream Ball
001A = Beast Ball
001B = Premier Ball

Potions (Including Rare Candy)
001C = Potion
001D = Antidote
001E = Burn Heal
001F = Ice Heal
0020 = Awakening
0021 = Paralyze Heal
0022 = Full Restore
0023 = Max Potion
0024 = Hyper Potion
0025 = Super Potion
0026 = Full Heal
0027 = Revive
0028 = Max Revive
0029 = Fresh Water
002A = Soda Pop
002B = Lemonade
002C = Moomoo Milk
002D = Energy Powder
002E = Energy Root
002F = Heal Powder
0030 = Revival Herb
0031 = Ether
0032 = Max Ether
0033 = Elixir
0034 = Max Elixir
0035 = Lava Cookie
0036 = Berry Juice
0037 = Sweet Heart
0038 = Big Malasada
0039 = Old Gateau
003A = Sacred Ash
003B = HP UP
003C = Protein
003D = Iron
003E = Carbos
003F = Calcium
0040 = Rare Candy
0041 = PP Up
0042 = Zinc
0043 = PP Max
0044 = Ability Pill
0045 = AbilityPatch
0046 = Cheri Berry
0047 = Chesto Berry
0048 = Pecha Berry
0049 = Rawst Berry
004A = Aspear Berry
004B = Leppa Berry
004C = Oran Berry
004D = Persim Berry
004E = Lum Berry
004F = Sitrus Berry
0050 = Figy Berry
0051 = Wiki Berry
0052 = Mago Berry
0053 = Aguav Berry
0054 = Iapapa Berry
0055 = Razz Berry
0056 = Bluck Berry
0057 = Nanab Berry
0058 = Wepear Berry
0059 = Pinap Berry
005A = Pomeg Berry
005B = Kelpsy Berry
005C = Qualot Berry
005D = Hondew Berry
005E = Grepa Berry
005F = Tamato Berry
0060 = Cornn Berry
0061 = Magost Berry
0062 = Rabuta Berry
0063 = Nomel Berry
0064 = Spelon Berry
0065 = Pamtre Berry
0066 = Watmel Berry
0067 = Durin Berry
0068 = Belue Berry
0069 = Occa Berry
006A = Passho Berry
006B = Wacan Berry
006C = Rindo Berry
006D = Yache Berry
006E = Chople Berry
006F = Kebia Berry
0070 = Shuca Berry
0071 = Coba Berry
0072 = Payapa Berry
0073 = Tanga Berry
0074 = Charti Berry
0075 = Kasib Berry
0076 = Haban Berry
0077 = Colbur Berry
0078 = Babiri Berry
0079 = Chilan Berry
007A = Roseli Berry
007B = Liechi Berry
007C = Ganlon Berry
007D = Salac Berry
007E = Petaya Berry
007F = Apicot Berry
0080 = Lansat Berry
0081 = Starf Berry
0082 = Micle Barry
0083 = Custap Berry
0084 = Jaboca Berry
0085 = Rowap Berry
0086 = Kee Berry
0087 = Maranga Berry
0088 = Enigma Berry
Evo Items
0089 = Sun Stone
008A = Moon Stone
008B = Fire Stone
008C = Thunder Stone
008D = Water Stone
008E = Leaf Stone
008F = Dawn Stone
0090 = Dusk Stone
0091 = Shiny Stone
0092 = Ice Stone
0093 = Red Nectar
0094 = Yellow Nectar
0095 = Pink Nectar
0096 = Purple Nectar
0097 = Sweet Apple
0098 = Tart Apple
0099 = Cracked Pot
009A = Galarica Cuff
009B = Galarica Wreath
009C = Strawberry Sweet
009D = Love Sweet
009E = Berry Sweet
009F = Clover Sweet
00A0 = Flower Sweet
00A1 = Star Sweet
00A2 = Ribbon Sweet
Other Items
00A3 = Blue Flute
00A4 = Yellow Flute
00A5 = Red Flute
00A6 = Black Flute
00A7 = White Flute
00A8 = Shoal Salt
00A9 = Shoal Shell
00AA = Red Shard
00AB = Blue Shard
00AC = Yellow Shard
00AD = Green Shard
00AE = Escape Rope
00AF = Repel
00B0 = Super Repel
00B1 = Max Repel
00B2 = Tiny Mushroom
00B3 = Big Mushroom
00B4 = Balm Mushroom
00B5 = Pearl
00B6 = Big Pearl
00B7 = Pearl String
00B8 = Stardust
00B9 = Star Piece
00BA = Comet Shard
00BB = Nagget
00BC = Big Nagget
00BD = Relic Copper
00BE = Relic Silver
00BF = Relic Gold
00C0 = Relic Vase
00C1 = Relic Statue
00C2 = Relic Band
00C3 = Heart Scale
00C4 = Bottle Cap
00C5 = GldBottleCap
00C6 = Honey
00C7 = Rare Bone
00C8 = Oval Stone
00C9 = Protector
00CA = Electirizer
00CB = Magmarizer
00CC = Dubious Disc
00CD = Reaper Cloth
00CE = Prism Scale
00CF = Whipped Dream
00D0 = Sachet
00D1 = Upgrade
00D2 = Red Scarf
00D3 = Blue Scarf
00D4 = Pink Scarf
00D5 = Green Scarf
00D6 = Yellow Scarf
00D7 = Armor Fossil
00D8 = Skull Fossil
00D9 = Helix Fossil
00DA = Dome Fossil
00DB = Cover Fossil
00DC = Plume Fossil
00DD = Jaw Fossil
00DE = Sail Fossil
00DF = Root Fossil
00E0 = Claw Fossil
00E1 = Fossilized Bird
00E2 = Fossilized Fish
00E3 = Fossilized Drake
00E4 = Fossilized Dino
00E5 = Old Amber
Battle Items
00E6 = Guard Spec.
00E7 = Dire Hit
00E8 = X Attack
00E9 = X Defense
00EA = X Speed
00EB = X Accuracy
00EC = X Sp.Atk
00ED = X Sp.Def
00EE = Poke Doll
00EF = Fluffy Tail
Hold Items
00F0 = Bright Powder
00F1 = White Herb
00F2 = Macho Brace
00F3 = Exp. Share
00F4 = Quick Claw
00F5 = Soothe Bell
00F6 = Mental Herb
00F7 = Choice Band
00F8 = King’s Rock
00F9 = Silver Powder
00FA = Amulet Coin
00FB = Cleanse Tag
00FC = Smoke Ball
00FD = Everstone
00FE = Focus Band
00FF = Lucky Egg
0100 = Scope Lens
0101 = Metal Coat
0102 = Soft Sand
0103 = Hard Stone
0104 = Miracle Seed
0105 = Black Glasses
0106 = Black Belt
0107 = Magnet
0108 = Mystic Water
0109 = Sharp Beak
010A = Poison Barb
010B = Never-MeltIce
010C = Spell Tag
010D = Twisted Spoon
010E = Charcoal
010F = Dragon Fang
0110 = Silk Scarf
0111 = Leftovers
0112 = Dragon Scale
0113 = Razor Claw
0114 = Razor Fang
0115 = Shell Bell
0116 = Power Bracer
0117 = Power Belt
0118 = Power Lens
0119 = Power Bands
011A = Power Anklet
011B = Power Weight
011C = Power Herb
011D = Choice Scarf
011E = Choice Specs
011F = Focus Slash
0120 = Wide Lens
0121 = Zoom Lens
0122 = Metronome
0123 = Muscle Band
0124 = Wise Glasses
0125 = Expert Belt
0126 = Light Clay
0127 = Icy Rock
0128 = Smooth Rock
0129 = Heat Rock
012A = Damp Rock
012B = Destiny Knot
012C = Grip Claw
012D = Life Orb
012E = Toxic Orb
012F = Flame Orb
0130 = Sticky Barb
0131 = Black Sludge
0132 = Iron Ball
0133 = Lagging Tail
0134 = Shed Shell
0135 = Big Root
0136 = Eviolite
0137 = Float Stone
0138 = Rocky Helmet
0139 = Air Balloon
013A = Red Card
013B = Ring Target
013C = Binding Band
013D = Eject Button
013E = Absorb Bulb
013F = Cell Battery
0140 = Luminous Moss
0141 = Snowball
0142 = Weakness Policy
0143 = Assault Vest
0144 = Safety Goggles
0145 = Adrenaline Orb
0146 = Terrain Extender
0147 = Protective Pads
0148 = Electric Seed
0149 = Psychic Seed
014A = Misty Seed
014B = Grassy Seed
014C = Bug Gem
014D = Dark Gem
014E = Dragon Gem
014F = Electric Gem
0150 = Fairy Gem
0151 = Fighting Gem
0152 = Fire Gem
0153 = Flying Gem
0154 = Ghost Gem
0155 = Grass Gem
0156 = Ground Gem
0157 = Ice Gem
0158 = Normal Gem
0159 = Poison Gem
015A = Psychic Gem
015B = Rock Gem
015C = Steel Gem
015D = Water Gem
015E = Throat Spray
015F = Eject Pack
0160 = Heavy-Duty
0161 = Blunder Policy
0162 = Room Service
0163 = Utility Umbrella
0164 = Rusted Sword
0165 = Rusted Shield
0166 = Insect Plate
0167 = Dread Plate
0168 = Draco Plate
0169 = Zap Plate
016A = Pixie Plate
016B = Fist Plate
016C = Flame Plate
016D = Sky Plate
016E = Spooky Plate
016F = Meadow Plate
0170 = Earth Plate
0171 = Icicle Plate
0172 = Toxic Plate
0173 = Mind Plate
0174 = Stone Plate
0175 = Iron Plate
0176 = Splash Plate
0177 = Soul Dew
0178 = DeepSeaTooth
0179 = DeepSeaScale
017A = Luck Pouch
017B = Metal Powder
017C = Thick Club
017D = Leek
017E = Light Ball
017F = Quick Powder
0180 = Adamant Orb
0181 = Lustrous Orb
0182 = Grisseous Orb
0183 = Douse Drive
0184 = Shock Drive
0185 = Burn Drive
0186 = Chill Drive
0187 = Sea Incense
0188 = Lax Incense
0189 = Odd Incense
018A = Rock Incense
018B = Full Incense
018C = Wave Incense
018D = Rose Incense
018E = Luck Incense
018F = Pure Incense
0190 = Training Band
0191 = Candy Box
0192 = Infinite Repel
0193 = Iron Pill
019B = Ability Shield
019C = Clear Amulet
019D = Mirror Herb
019E = Punching Glove
019F = Covert Cloak
01A0 = Loaded Dice
01A3 = Fairy Feather
01AB = Frost Orb
01AC = Tactical Vest
01AD = Booster Energy
TM = 0212 – 0275
0276 = HM01
0277 = HM02
0278 = HM03
0279 = HM04
027A = HM05
027B = HM06
027C = HM07
027D = HM08
Key Items
027E = Odd Keystone
027F = Gracidea
0280 = Mega Bracelet
0281 = Mach Bike
0282 = Coin Case
0283 = Dowsing MCHN
0284 = Old Rod
0285 = Good Rod
0286 = Super Rod
0287 = S.S. Ticket
0288 = Contest Pass
0289 = Wailmer Pail
028A = Devon Parts
028B = Soot Sack
028C = Basement Key
028D = Acro Bike
028E = Egg Incubator
028F = Letter
0290 = Eon Tocket
0291 = Exp. Charm
0292 = Prison Bottle
0293 = Scanner
0294 = Go-Goggles
0295 = Meteorite
0296 = Key to Room 1
0297 = Key to Room 2
0298 = Key to Room 4
0299 = Key to Room 6
029A = Storage Key
029B = Devon Scope
029C = Magma Stone
029D = Lunar Wing
029E = Shiny Charm
029F = Oval Charm
02A0 = Magma Emblem
02A1 = Old Sea Map
02A2 = Mystic Ticket
02A3 = Aurora Ticket
02A4 = Powder Jar
02A5 = Reveal Glass
02A6 = DNA Splicers
02A8 = Poke Vial
02A9 = Catching Charm
02AA = Rotom Catalog
02AB = Reins of Unity
02AC = Iceroot Carrot
02AD = Shaderrot Carrot
02AE = Wooden Crown
02AF = N-Lunarizer
02B0 = N-Solarizer
Mega Stones
02EC = Abomasite
02ED = Absolite
02EE = Aerodactylite
02EF = Aggronite
02F0 = Alakazite
02F1 = Altarianite
02F2 = Ampharosite
02F3 = Audinite
02F4 = Banettite
02F5 = Beedrillite
02F6 = Blastoisinite
02F7 = Blazikenite
02F8 = Cameruptite
02F9 = Charizardite X
02FA = Charizardite Y
02FB = Diancite
02FC = Galladite
02FD = Garchompite
02FE = Gardevoirite
02FF = Gengarite
0300 = Glalitite
0301 = Gyradosite
0302 = Heracronite
0303 = Houndoominite
0304 = Kangaskhanite
0305 = Latiasite
0356 = Latiosite
0307 = Lopunnite
0308 = Lucarionite
0309 = Manectite
030A = Mawilite
030B = Medichamite
030C = Metagrossite
030D = Mewtwonite X
030E = Mewtwonite Y
030F = Pidgeotite
0310 = Pinsirite
0311 = Sblenite
0312 = Salamencite
0313 = Sceptilite
0314 = Scizorite
0315 = Sharpedonite
0316 = Slowbronite
0317 = Steelixite
0318 = Swampertite
0319 = Tyranitarite
031A = Venusaurite
031B = Miloticite
031C = Red Orb
031D = Blue Orb
031E = Flygonite
031F = Butterfrenite
0320 = Lapasite Y
0321 = Machampite
0322 = Kinglerite
0323 = Kingdranite
0324 = Dewgongite
0325 = Hitmonchanite
0326 = Hitmonleenite
0327 = Hitmontopite
0328 = Crobatite
0329 = Skarmorite
032A = Bruxishite
032B = Torterranite
032C = Infernapite
032D = Empoleonite
032E = Shucklenite
032F = Relicanthite
0330 = Quagsirenite
0331 = Jellicentite
0332 = Toucannonite
0333 = Dragonitenite
0334 = Breloomite
0335 = Slakingite
0336 = Purple Orb
0337 = Slowkingite
0338 = Gyradosite Y
0339 = Feraligatrite X
033A = Feraligatrite Y
033B = Haxorusite
033C = Luxraynite
033D = Granbullite
033E = Typhlosionite
033F = Nidoqueenite
0340 = Nidokingite
0341 = Sandslashite
0342 = Meganiumite
0343 = Krookodilenite
0344 = Magnezonite
0345 = Shedinjite
0346 = Swalotite
0347 = Lanturnite
0348 = Laprasite X
0349 = Kingambitite R
034A = Ribombite
034B = Garchompite R
034C = Skarmorite R
034D = Manchampite R
034E = Alakazite R
034F = Beedrillite R
0350 = Houndoominite R
0351 = Froslassite
0352 = Scraftite
0353 = Mawilite R
0354 = Sablenite R
0355 = Ursalunite
0356 = Arcanite R
0357 = Tyranitarite R
0358 = Wigglyffite
0359 = Tinkatite
035A = Senzu Bean
03CC = Fab Mail
03CD = Retro Mail
03CE = Bug Memory
03CF = Dark Memory
03D0 = Dragon Memory
03D1 = ElectrcMemory
03D2 = Fairy Memory
03D3 = FightmgMemory
03D4 = Fire Memory
03D5 = Flying Memory
03D6 = Ghost Memory
03D7 = Grass Memory
03D8 = Ground Memory
03D9 = Ice Memory
03DA = Poison Memory
03DB = PsychicMemory
03DC = Rock Memory
03DD = Steel Memory
03DE = Water Memory
Key Items 2
03DF = Parcel
03E0 = Poke Flute
03E1 = Secret Key
03E2 = Bike Voucher
03E3 = Gold Teeth
03E4 = Card Key
03E5 = Lift Key
03E6 = Silph Scope
03E7 = Bicycle
03E8 = Town Map
03E9 = Vs. Seeker
03EA = Fame Checker
03EB = TM Case
03EC = Berry Pouch
03ED = Teachy TV
03EE = Tri-Pass
03EF = Rainbow Pass
03F0 = Tea
03F1 = Ruby
03F2 = Sapphire
03F3 = Z-Ring
Z Move Items
03F4 = Normalium Z
03F5 = Fightinium Z
03F6 = Flyinium Z
03F7 = Poisinium Z
03F8 = Groundium Z
03F9 = Rockium Z
03FA = Buginium Z
03FB = Ghostium Z
03FC = Steelium Z
03FD = Firium Z
03FE = Waterium Z
03FF = Grassium Z
0400 = Electrium Z
0401 = Psychium Z
0402 = Icium Z
0403 = Dragonium Z
0404 = Darkinium Z
0405 = Fairium Z
0406 = Aloraichium Z
0407 = Decidium Z
0408 = Eevium Z
0409 = Incinium Z
040A = Kommonium Z
040B = Lunalium Z
040C = Lycanium Z
040D = Marshadium Z
040E = Mewnium Z
040F = Mimikium Z
0410 = Pikanium Z
0411 = Pikashunium Z
0412 = Primarium Z
0413 = Snorlium Z
0414 = Solganium Z
0415 = Tapunium Z
0416 = U-Necrozium Z
Pokemon Related Cheats
In this section you’ll find Pokemon Elite Redux Cheats related to the Pokemon.
Easy Battle
4201C368 0C0C
00000004 0002
4201C428 0C0C
00000004 0002
4201C3C8 0000
00000004 0002
4201C488 0000
00000004 0002
By using the code, you’ll be able to maximize your Pokémon’s stats while minimizing those of your opponents.
50.000 Battle Points
8202E2E0 C350
In battle, set the PP of all skills to 50
All Stats 999 (First Pokemon)
4201C9C6 03E7
00000007 0002
Stats return to normal when the pokemon levels up.
Stats Modifier
Current HP: 8201C9C6 YYYY
Max HP: 8201C9C8 YYYY
Attack: 8201C9CA YYYY
Defense: 8201C9CC YYYY
Speed: 8201C9D0 YYYY
Special Attack: 8201C9D2 YYYY
Special Defense: 8201C9CE YYYY
Replace YYYY with a Hex number. Example: 100 = 0064, 500 = 01F4, 999 = 03E7.
Max Stats
2nd pokemon
4201CA12 03E7
00000007 0002
3rd pokemon
4201CA5E 03E7
00000007 0002
4th pokemon
4201CAAA 03E7
00000007 0002
5th pokemon
4201CAF6 03E7
00000007 0002
6th pokemon
4201CB42 03E7
00000007 0002
Most Used Pokemon Elite Redux Cheat Code
- Rare Candy Cheat Code
- Master Ball Cheat Code
- Mega Evolution Cheat Code
- Wild Pokemon Modifier Cheat Code
These are currently the only working cheat codes we know of. If you know any other working cheat codes for Pokemon Elite Redux, please let us know in the comments and we will include them in the post.
Other Cheat Codes:
Yeah nice try codes don’t work.
they work for me, what emulator are you using?
I’m facing a similar problem, I inputted a wild Pokemon modifier code and the Pokemon I want doesn’t appear, just the regular wild Pokemon. I’m using the My Boy! emulator
I’m not sure what’s the issue, i rechecked and they work for me and i use my boy as well
This is a 2.1 cheats list,pls look for cheats for ur version as if it doesn’t work it is probably outdated
It’s for 2.1.,check ur version
The Easy Battle h Modifier cheats dont work for me but the others do