Pokemon Elite Redux Changelog

pokemon elite redux
  • Creator: Darkyy92x
  • Version: 2.1
  • Hack of: Emerald
  • Updated: August 24, 2024
  • Language: English
  • Status: Completed

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Pokemon Elite Redux Changelog


  • Pokémon Balance changes
    • Regirock
      • Learns Head Smash at level 58
      • Learns Rock Wrecker at level 64
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed the bugged battles with question marks


  • Reordered some innates (only affects Elite Mode)
    • Deino: swapped Hyper Aggressive with Gluttony
    • Binacle & Barbaracle
  • Pokémon Balance changes
    • Rapidash (+ Galar)
      • Stats
        • Speed +15
        • SpAtk -5
      • Normal Rapidash: replaced innate Flash Fire with Burnate
      • Now learns Mega Kick at evolution
    • Nosepass: replaced ability Sand Force with Rock Head
    • Mightyena: replaced duplicate innate Predator with Stakeout
    • Lampent: replaced duplicate innate Flash Fire with Levitate
    • Meowstic: nerfed SpAtk by -10
    • Meowstic-F: nerfed SpAtk by -20
    • Dunsparce: replaced ability Simple with Field Explorer
  • Encounter changes
    • Route 102 – Honey: replaced Misdreavus with Scatterbug
    • Rusturf Tunnel: replaced Dunsparce with Rhyhorn
    • Dewford Manor (Brawly island): added Misdreavus (10%)
    • Route 117 – Honey: replaced Audino with Dunsparce
  • Trainer changes
    • Calvin: Yungoos: replaced Return & Earthquake with Hyper Fang & Dig
    • Glacia: Articuno: replaced Hurricane with Aeroblast
  • Other changes
    • Rewritten accuracy boosting ability descriptions >> 1.2x accuracy boost instead of percentage
    • Updated ability description for Flash Fire (50% boost to Fire moves if hit by Fire)
    • Updated ability description for Own Tempo (Blocks Intimidate and Scare)
    • Dex: fixed Blizzard showing freeze status >> it’s only frostbite
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed party autohealing when it was supposed to be disabled for some fights
    • Fixed parties having different teams between Elite and the other modes
    • Fixed terrains freezing the game
    • Made the AI aware of Poison Absorb
    • Fixed Soundproof description (now 50%)
    • Exploud: fixed it not replacing Soundproof with Punk Rock
    • Florges: fixed it not having the new abilities: Harvest, Misty Surge, Fairy Aura
    • Fixed Klink hitting 3 instead of 2 times with Multi Headed
    • Fixed speed boosting abilities description showing double speed >> now 1.5x speed
    • Fixed Aegislash Blade form having wrong abilities/innates
    • Fixed Oblivion Wing’s move description
    • Fixed Seaspray exit locking you out

v1.5 – The great rebalancing!

  • Biggest balance changes so far
    • The whole update focuses on balancing, especially the early game
    • Some important fights have been balanced a lot
    • You get much more wild encounters >> better for Monotype runs
    • Many Pokémon have been rebalanced, some feel entirely new to use
    • Evolution items in the Mart are disabled until you beat Roxanne
    • The game should be a bit better to nuzlocke now (but keep in mind that it’s still not designed for it)
    • Take a look at all balance change below
  • New Doubles Only option
    • You can turn this feature on or off anytime in the Options Menu
  • Weather Rework
    • Weather induced by abilities like Drizzle, Drought etc. now last 8 respectively 12 turns (with Weather Rock items)
    • The damage boost remains unchanged at 20%, other boosts also (Def boosts etc.)
    • Manual weather by moves like Sunny Day etc. are unchanged >> still 5 turns, but with full 50% damage boost
  • Reworked Speed Boosting abilities
    • They give a 50% boost instead of 100% now, they are more like a Choice Scarf now in terms of speed
    • This was needed as those abilities were too strong when stacked with other abilities (also in weather teams)
    • Affected abilities/innates: Swift Swim, Chlorophyll, Big Leaves, Sand Rush, Slush Rush, Surge Surfer
  • Battle UI and Summary Screen now shows changed move types
    • Example: If you have Fighting Spirit which turns your Normal moves into Fighting-type, it now shows

  • Check evolutions directly in the Summary Screen
    • No more need to go check the Dex!
      To use > press right on the move screen

  • Infinite Repel as Key Item
    • Much easier & faster to use now, also works when mapping to SELECT or list items
    • The Infinite Repel in the Options Menu has been removed

  • Adjusted Level Caps
    • This was needed for balance reasons (early game)
    • New Caps
    • Old Caps
  • Removed Trainers having higher levels than you
    • Every trainer has the same levels as your highest Pokémon now.
      This is a community decision and is intended to make the game more fair.
      It mainly helps with who is moving first.
  • Terrains are now visually visible
  • New Grass Area in Petalburg
    • Grass encounters: Mareep, Oddish, Ekans, Stunky, Vulpix, Fletchling, Salandit, Dratini, Aron, Deino

  • Made Seaspray Cave accessible without the bike
    • You can now catch many new encounters for Roxanne!

  • Improved Speed (less dialogues)
    • Made teaching moves faster
    • Made saving faster
    • Instant text is now default
  • Reordered some innates for Elite Mode to “buff” weaker Pokémon and “nerf” OP ones
    • Gyarados
    • Cranidos
    • Galarian Meowth
    • Ponyta
    • Metang/Metagross
    • Genesect
  • Reordered Party Menu list item (makes more sense now)

  • Useful moves for Doubles more widespread (by adri)
    • Life Dew- Politoed, Golduck, Starmie, Vaporeon, Lapras, Azumarill, Suicune, Milotic, Alomomola, Primarina, Dhelmise
    • Jungle Healing- Meganium, Bellossom, Sunflora, Celebi, Lilligant, Tangrowth, Gogoat, Rillaboom
    • Instruct- Jynx, Porygon, Mewtwo, Xatu, Ludicolo, Gardevoir, Kecleon, Vespiquen, Watchog, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Sigilyph, Meloetta, Pangoro, Sirfetchd
    • Mat Block- Heracross, Hariyama, Medicham, Infernape, Emboar, Samurott, Pangoro, Hitmontop
    • Strength Sap- Ariados, Crustle
    • Spotlight- Pachirisu, Pikachu, Ambipom, Meloetta, Wigglytuff, Ledian, Watchog
    • Follow Me- Audino, Clefable, Togedemaru, Primarina, Obstagoon, Miltank, Grumpig, Perrserker
    • Rage Powder- Oranguru, Toxapex, Bellossom, Venusaur, Appletun
    • Psycho Shift- Simisage, Liepard, Obstagoon
    • Healing Wish- Delcatty, Simipour, Delibird, Meowstick, Cosmoem
    • Lunar Dance- Jumpluff, Meloetta, Minior, Meganium, Hoopa, Liepard
    • After You- Meloetta, Meowstick, Liepard, Pachirisu, Bisharp, Lurantis, Meowth (both), Dusknoir, Gardevoir, Gallade, Jynx, Volbeat, Mienshao, Cryogonal, Ribombee, Alakazam, Inteleon, Froslass, Watchog
    • Quash- Rattata (both), Nidoran (both), Meowth (not galarian), Muk (both), Kingler, Vespiquen, Pangoro, Incineroar, Bisharp, Liepard, Accelgor, Crobat, Weavile, Greninja, Hawlucha, Salazzle, Seviper, Hitmonlee, Ambipom, Illumise
    • Sky Drop- Charizard, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Skarmory, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Pelipper, Rayquaza, Braviary, Tornadus, Thundurus, Hawlucha, Yveltal, Tapu Koko, Lunala, Naganadel, Scyther, Vikavolt, Noivern, Empoleon, Delibird, Flygon, Drifblim, Emolga, Yanmega, Talonflame, Altaria, Archeops, Corviknight, Mandibuzz
    • Ion Deluge- Luxray, Wishcash, Klinklang, Pikachu, Zapdos, Heliolisk, Togedemaru, Dragapult, Whimsicott, Grumpig
  • Pokémon Balance changes
    • Drapion: removed Bug type, it’s now back to Dark
    • Toucannon now learns Beak Blast at evolution
    • Munchlax learns Slack Off at level 54
    • Honchkrow: replaced innate Nocturnal with Overcoat (was too offensive)
    • Trubbish: replaced innate Sticky Hold with Adapatability
    • Salazzle: replaced innate Poison Touch with Queenly Majesty
    • Mawile
      • Replaced ability Strong Jaw with Adaptability
      • Replaced innate Huge Power with Strong Jaw
      • Reordered innates to have Multi Headed first and Grip Pincer last
    • Hydreigon: replaced ability Violent Rush with Mega Launcher (community choice)
    • Beautifly learns Draining Kiss (lvl 26) and Moonblast (lvl 28)
    • Spiritomb: replaced ability Ancient Idol with Twist. Dimension
    • Dusknoir: replaced ability Vengeance with Twist. Dimension
    • Mismagius learns Hypnosis at evolution (to make use of Bad Dreams)
    • Lampent & Chandelure: replaced ability Flame Body with Flash Fire
    • Chandelure
      • Buffed HP from 60 to 80 for more staying power
      • Replaced innate Soul Eater with Pyromancy
    • Jellicent
      • Buffed HP from 100 to 120
      • Replaced innate Water Absorb with Water Bubble
    • Drifloon & Drifblim now learn Air Slash as Egg Move
    • Exploud: replaced ability Soundproof with Punk Rock
    • Primarina: replaced innate Pixilate with Liquid Voice
    • Emboar learns Submission at level 60
    • Carnivine learns Fire, Ice and Thunder Fang as Egg Move
    • Regirock learns Head Smash at level 1
    • Goomy, Sliggoo and Goodra
      • Replaced innate Gooey with Poison Heal
      • Replaced ability Hydration with Gooey
    • Comfey learns Strength Sap as Egg Move
    • Quagsire learns Flip Turn at evolution
    • Excadrill learns Excalibur at level 64
    • Bastiodon learns Body Press at level 48
    • Cherrim: new innate Solar Flare
    • Reworked Furret
      • Stats
        • Attack 76 >> 86
        • Speed 110 >> 115
        • SpAtk 45 >> 40
        • SpDef 75 >> 70
      • Abilities: Run Away, Sap Sipper, Quick Feet >> Momentum, Normalize, Adaptability
      • Innates: Keen Eye, Field Explorer, Fur Coat >> Scrappy, Field Explorer, Fur Coat
      • Learns Drain Punch at evolution
    • Sentret & Furret learn Belly Drum as Egg Move
    • Reworked Regigigas
      • Stats
        • HP 110 >> 140
        • Def 110 >> 120
        • Speed 100 >> 60
        • SpAtk 80 >> 70
        • SpDef 110 >> 120
      • Abilities: replaced Slow Start >> Adaptability, Primal Armor, Raging Boxer
      • Innates: replaced Clear Body with Juggernaut
      • Learns Mega Punch at level 1
    • Typhlosion: replaced innate Sand Song with Flaming Soul
    • Reworked Plusle/Minun
      • They are now Electric / Fairy instead of pure Electric
      • Stats
        • Plusle stays a special attacker
        • Minun becomes a physical attacker
      • Replaced ability Static with Transistor
      • Replaced innate Quick Feet with Pixilate
      • Replaced innate Overcharge with Speed Boost
    • Reworked Poochyena
      • Stats
        • Attack 55 >> 65
        • Speed 35 >> 65
      • Added ability Intimidate
      • Replaced ability Run Away with Moxie
      • Added innates: Strong Jaw, Nocturnal
      • Replaced innate Quick Feet with Predator
      • Learns Psychic Fangs as Egg Move
    • Reworked Mightyena
      • Stats
        • Def 70 >> 80
        • Speed 90 >> 105
        • SpDef 60 >> 80
      • New ability: Opportunist
      • Replaced innate Quick Feet with Predator
      • Replaced innate Predator with Nocturnal
      • Learns Psychic Fangs as Egg Move
    • Reworked Chimecho
      • Typing: Psychic >> Psychic/Fairy + Steel thanks to Metallic
      • Abilities: Magic Guard, Limber >> Magic Guard, Limber, Mystic Power
      • Innates: Levitate, Dreamcatcher, Long Reach >> Levitate, Dreamcatcher, Metallic
      • New moves: Mirror Shot, Flash Cannon, Doom Desire, Misty Explosion, Moonblast, Fairy Wind
    • Reworked Chatot
      • Abilities: Tangled Feet >> OpportunistPrankster, Cloud Nine
      • Innates: Keen Eye, Big Pecks >> Adaptability, Amplifier, Mold Breaker
    • Reworked Pyukumuku
      • Abilities: Innards Out >> Corrosion, Innards Out, Triage
      • Innates: Unaware >> Unaware, Pressure, Perish Body
      • New move: Heal Pulse
    • Reworked Spinda
      • Abilities: Contrary, Unaware >> Contrary, CompetitiveDancer
      • Innates: Tangled Feet, Moody >> Unaware, Simple, Field Explorer
    • Reworked Delibird
      • Stats:
        • HP 45 > 80 (+35)
        • Atk 85 > 105 (+20)
        • Def 45 > 55 (+10)
        • SpD 45 > 55 (+10)
        • BST 380 > 455 (+75) (same as Dunsparce)
      • Abilities: Slush Rush, Ice Body, Vital Spirit > Slush Rush, PranksterAdaptability
      • Innates: Christmas Spirit, Prankster, Thick Fat > Christmas Spirit, Magic Bounce, Thick Fat
    • Reworked Wormadam
      • Grass-Cloak
        • Abilities: Anticipation, Overcoat, Analytic
        • Innates: Battle ArmorBuginize, Swarm
      • Sandy-Cloak
        • Abilities: Anticipation, Overcoat, Rock Head
        • Innates: Swarm, GroundateBattle Armor
      • Trash-Cloak
        • Abilities: Anticipation, Overcoat, Weak Armor
        • Innates: Swarm, Battle Armor, Corrosion
    • Pyroar
      • Replaced ability Moxie with Soul-Heart
      • Added innate Predator
    • Reworked Inteleon
      • Innates: Torrent, Immunity, Deadeye >> Torrent, Momentum, Deadeye
      • Abilities: Sniper, Perfectionist, Aerilate >> Sniper, OpportunistOvercharge
      • New level-up moves: Parabolic Charge, Zing Zap, Electro Ball
    • Grookey line learns Drain Punch as Egg Move
    • Gallade learns Agility at level 31 and Triple Kick at level 45
    • Corviknight learns Cut (TM)
    • Sableye learns Hypnosis (was overdue because it has Hypnotist)
    • Doublade learns Guillotine at level 50
    • Corsola learns Flip Turn as Egg Move
    • Solrock
      • Innates: Levitate, Illuminate, Solar Flare >> Levitate, Sturdy, 
      • Abilities: Sturdy, Sage Power, Victory Star >> 
      • Learns V-Create at level 53
    • Scizor
      • Abilities: Regenerator, Technician, Intimidate >> Regenerator, Grip Pincer, Intimidate
      • Innates: Grip Pincer, Hyper Cutter, Full Metal Body >> Technician, Hyper Cutter, Buginize
    • Mega Scizor: replaced innate Grip Pincers with Buginize
    • Meowstic-Male: replaced innate Prankster with Soul-Heart
    • Meowstic-Female: replaced innate Prankster with Hyper Aggressive
    • Reworked Shiinotic
      • Stats
        • Back to vanilla (nerf), except HP
      • Abilities: Rain Dish, Soul Eater, Natural Cure >> Fairy Aura, Twist. Dimension, Poison Heal
      • Innates: Effect Spore, Dry Skin, Illuminate >> Poison Absorb, Dreamcatcher, Bad Dreams
    • Reworked Noibat
      • Stats
        • HP +10
        • Def +10
        • Speed +40
        • SpAtk +30
        • SpDef +10
      • Abilities: Frisk, Infiltrator >> Mountaineer, Infiltrator, 
      • Innates: Loud Bang, Nocturnal >> Loud Bang, Hyper Aggressive, Nocturnal
    • Clawitzer: +10 SpAtk, -10 Def (to help with Rampage Hyper Beam)
    • Lopunny: replaced ability Cute Charm with Technician
    • Reworked Sirfetch’d
      • Stats
        • HP +30
        • Atk -10
        • SpDef +10
      • Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll >> Hyper Cutter, Dauntless Shield, Chlorophyll
      • Innates: Scrappy, Keen Edge, Dauntless Shield >> Scrappy, Keen Edge, Rampage
    • Reworked Florges
      • Stats
        • HP +10
        • Atk -10
        • Def +20
        • Speed -20
      • Abilities: Flower Veil, Dancer/Misty Surge, Symbiosis >> Harvest, Misty Surge, Fairy Aura
      • Learns Teleport at level 1
    • Porygon, Porygon2 and Porygon-Z learn Teleport at level 1
    • Hariyama learns Drain Punch (TM)
    • Zapdos (+ Galarian) learn Bolt Beak at level 46
    • Azumarill
      • Stats
        • Atk -5
        • Def -5
        • SpDef -5
    • Steelix: replaced innate Primal Armor with Groundate
    • Vanillite line learns Aurora Veil as Egg Move
    • Tapu Koko
      • Replaced ability Speed Force with Speed Boost
      • Replaced innate Natural Cure with Levitate
      • Learns Moonblast & Weather Ball at level 1
      • Learns Hurricane at level 35
    • Ampharos
      • Stats
        • HP +20
      • Replaced ability Static with Short Circuit
      • Replaced innate Minus with Dazzling
      • Learns Slack off at evolution
    • Mega Ampharos
      • Stats
        • HP +20
      • Replaced ability Mold Breaker with Transistor
      • Replaced innate Minus with Fluffy
    • Appletun
      • Stats
        • Atk +15
        • Def +30
        • SpDef +10
    • Flapple
      • Stats
        • Atk +10
        • Def +10
        • Speed +25
        • SpAtk +10
    • Mewtwo learns Expanding Force at level 1
    • Dodrio: replaced innate Moody with Dazzling
    • Reworked Palkia
      • Abilities: Dragonslayer, Swift Swim, Twist. Dimension >> Rampage, Swift Swim, Drizzle
      • Innates: Primal Armor, Pressure, Power Core >> Primal Armor, Sea Guardian, Power Core
  • Move Balance changes
    • Water Shuriken is 15 instead of 20 BP now
    • Bone Rush is 15 instead of 25 BP now
    • Solar Beam now works with abilities like Multi Headed or Hyper Aggressive in combination with Chloroplast etc.
    • Snipe Shot is now 90 instead of 80 BP
    • Venoshock is now a Poison-type Hex
    • Flame Burst now damages the foe’s ally for 1/4 HP instead of 1/16 HP damage
    • Boomburst reverted to hit everyone on the field for balance reasons
    • Howl now affects your ally too (needs testing)
    • Precipice Blades is now 130 BP / 100% accuracy
    • Origin Pulse is now 110 BP / 100% accuracy
    • Freeze Dry is back to 70 BP (was 90 BP)
    • Sheer Cold is 100 BP now (was 120 BP)
    • Bolt Strike & Blue Flare now have 100% accuracy (was 85%)
    • Sacred Fire is now 100% instead of 95% accuracy (same as Aeroblast)
  • Ability changes
    • Mold Breaker now ignores Levitate (innates too)
    • Heatproof now gets no more burn damage or attack reduced
    • Comatose + Sweet Dreams now works together
    • Comatose + Dreamcatcher now works together
    • Loud Bang now has a 50% chance to confuse the enemy instead of 20%
    • Amplifier now additionally boosts Sound moves by 20%
    • Triage: added Strength Sap to the functionality
    • Antarctic Bird nerfed power boost from 50% to 30%
    • Solar Flare now combines Chloroplast and Burnate
    • Victory Star now boost accuracy by 20% instead of 10%
    • Keen Eye now boosts accuracy by 20% instead of 10%
    • Grip Pincer now has 50% instead of 30% chance to trap the enemy
  • Item changes
    • Reworked Shell Bell:
      • Old: if you do any damage, it recovers 1/3 of your missing HP
      • New: recovers 1/3 of the damage done to the enemy
      • Updated Shell Bell’s description
  • Evolution changes
    • Honchkrow now evolves at level 30 instead of 20
    • Pidgey now evolves at level 16 instead of 18 to Pidgeotto
    • Fletchling now evolves at level 16 instead of 17 to Fletchinder
  • Encounter changes
    • Rusturf Tunnel: Mono Rock has more choice before Roxanne now:
      • You can catch Rockruff and Nosepass
    • Oldale Town: replaced Shelmet with Zorua 20%
    • Route 101: replaced Wurmple with Ponyta 10%
    • Route 102
      • Honey: replaced Audino with Misdreavus
      • Fishing (Old Rod)
        • Replaced Corphish with Tentacool (you can get Corphish in Petalburg)
        • Replaced Goldeen with Skrelp (you can get Goldeen in Petalburg)
    • New grass area in Petalburg
      • Mareep, Oddish, Ekans, Stunky, Vulpix, Fletchling, Salandit, Dratini, Aron, Deino
    • Route 104
      • Replaced Pidove with Numel
      • Honey: replaced Audino 50% with Shelmet
    • Petalburg Woods
      • Lowered Pichu from 10% to 5% and placed Croagunk 5% there
      • Honey: replaced Audino with Slakoth
      • Replaced Slakoth with Pidove
    • Seaspray Cave: now open before Roxanne (no need for a bike), lots of good Pokémon
      • Removed Cryogonal (still catchable in Shoal Cave)
    • Route 124 & 126 (Underwater): you can now catch Dhelmise in the Grass (1% or DexNav)
  • Trainer changes
    • Elite Mode: Reworked Gym Leaders + Champ: Wattson, Flannery, Norman, Juan and Wallace
    • Changed Steven’s team (friend, Mossdeep)
      • Replaced Cradily with Genesect (Focus Sash), Protect, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Flamethrower
      • Mega Metagross: replaced Stomping Tantrum with Zen Headbutt
    • Slateport Museum – Team Aqua (3 fights back to back)
      • Made slightly harder with small tweaks
    • Winstrates
      • Vicky: Scizor now has a Life Orb instead of Choice Band
      • Now has Extreme Speed (+ Buginize) instead of U-turn
      • Replaced ability Grip Pincer with Intimidate
    • Tabitha (Mt Chimney): Steelix replaced Earthquake with Double-Edge (Groundate)
  • Other changes
    • Removed Huge/Pure Power and Feline Prowess from the Randomizer because it destroyed any “balance”
    • Nurse Joy: included Quick Claw and Muscle Band
    • Improved AI regarding some abilities
    • Wally in Verdanturf Town: fixed dialogue talking about Kirlia instead of Gardevoir
    • Added Ultra Necrozma as a Mega Evolution
    • Improved Natural Cure & Regenerator ability description
    • Updated new game text (Level Caps)
    • Made Power Core description more clear (it only uses either Def or SpDef, not both)
    • Changed Wattson’s gift to Ampharos (was Rotom-Mow)
    • New game: disabled Auto Run default option
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed priority abilities like Gale Wings taking into account changed move types (through Aerilate etc.)
    • Fixed Dragon Ascent move description
    • Fixed broken status colors in double battles
    • Fixed Impenetrable & Magic Guard recoil damage
    • Fixed Jaw Lock bug
    • Fixed Poltergeist hitting in semi-invulnerable turns
    • Fixed Iron Pill not showing the new stats immediately
    • Fixed Expanding Force not targeting both in doubles
    • Fixed Burn damage breaks Disguise along visual bug
    • Fixed Scare not activating Defiant
    • Fixed Type Randomizer bugs
    • Fixed Shadow Bone & Bone Zone interaction
    • Fixed Ice Fang not having Frostbite
    • Fixed a trainer with a Weezing
    • Fixed a bug regarding Sand Veil
    • Fixed Bad Dreams description (now ¼ HP instead of ⅛ HP) + wrong popup
    • Fixed Illusion in Randomizer mode
    • Fixed some bugs related to the PC
    • Fixed some bugs regarding Inimidate/Scare/Dragonfly
    • Fixed Cursed Body
    • Fixed Castform
    • Fixed Soul Linker interaction with Draining moves
    • Fixed Queenly Majesty & Dazzling interaction with priority Fly
    • Fixed Levitate not working
    • Hopefully fixed the Mega Evolution freezes (Norman fight)
    • Fixed Shadow Bone not being affected by Bone Zone
    • Fixed level position (visual bug) on the enemy
    • Fixed bugged status icon for the 3rd battler in Doubles
    • Fixed Molten Down not working
    • Fixed Power Fist not working correctly
    • Fixed Aquatic affecting the wrong Pokémon
    • Fixed Mimikyu Disguise being broken by hazards
    • Fixed Levitate popup being wrong
    • Fixed Strength Sap not shown as immune against Sap Sipper
    • Fixed Mega Pidgeot icon
    • Fixed Keen Edge effect not working
    • Fixed Excalibur having the wrong move effect (visual)
    • Hopefully fixed Archie (Elite) not having Sliggoo in Slateport
    • Fixed Delta Stream not working correctly


  • Brand new teams for important fights
    • Easy and Ace Mode share the same teams
    • Elite Mode has own teams
  • Possibility to lower the difficulty anytime
    • You can lower the difficulty, if you constantly get your ass beaten.
      Lowering goes like this: Elite -> Ace -> Easy

  • Sleep Clause for Ace & Elite Mode
    • Sleep Clause prevents putting more than one Pokémon to sleep.
      If you or the AI tries to put a second Pokémon to sleep, it will instantly wake up.
      The AI is also aware of this and won’t try to make your second Pokémon asleep.
  • Frostbite replaces Freeze
    • No more annoying freezes!
    • Frostbite deals 1/16 HP damage per turn
    • Special Attack of the affected Pokémon is halved
  • You can now edit your Pokémon in the PC directly
    • This allows you to quickly edit your Pokémon in the PC without the hassle of taking them out and putting back.
  • Nerfed some OP abilities
    • Air Blower, North Wind, Twisted Dimension now only last 3 instead of 5 turns.
      Activating Tailwind, Screens or Trick Room manually (by using the moves) still lasts 5 turns.
      Light Clay extends North Wind’s duration to 5 turns.
    • Spider Lair now disappears after 5 turns – before it lasted indefinitely.
      Sticky Web (move) still lasts forever.
  • Changed some evolution methods to prevent overpowered Pokémon before Roxanne
    • Murkrow to Honchkrow: level up to 20
    • Lombre to Ludicolo: level up to 20
    • Nuzleaf to Shiftry: level up to 20
  • Gen 8 Teleport implemented
  • Expanding Force is now working including animation
  • New item: Iron Pill
    • Use it on any Pokémon to set Speed IVs to 0. Use again to set back to 31.
    • Given by Nurse Joy
  • Randomizer updates
    • Randomizers don’t randomize the enemy Pokémon anymore
    • The Hall of Fame now displays the used Randomizers

  • Boosted Shiny Rate
    • You can choose between three new Shiny Rates:
      • Default: 1/1024 chance
      • Boosted: 1/128 chance
      • Boosted: 1/5 chance
  • New items given by Nurse Joy
    • Shell Bell
    • Iron Ball
    • Eject Pack
    • Eject Button
    • Red Card
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed Gen 8 Gift NPC not giving out Yamask-Galar even after defeating all trainers
    • Xerneas’ animated sprite shows Mega Gyarados’ when sent out
    • Momentum wasn’t working when paired with Speed Force (Voltorb)
    • Fixed Drain Punch description
    • AI: now uses Metal Burst correctly
    • Fixed Sticky Hold wrong message
    • Fixed Stamina wrong message
    • Fixed Anger Point wrong message
    • Fixed Regenerator not working together with Natural Cure
    • Fixed Forecast bugs
    • Fixed Escape Rope text
    • Fixed not getting healed before the Space Center Double Battle
    • Fixed Magma Grunt having no script in Mossdeep City
    • Fixed Neutralizing Gas on switch-in producing bad eggs
    • Fixed Cursed Body being able to disable your own move
    • Fixed Knock Off removing the target’s item through a Substitute
    • Fixed Psychic Terrain blocking Prankster Toxic Spikes
    • Fixed Jellycent (F) sprite looking weird when about to teach it a move
    • Fixed Mew tutors crashing the game
    • Fixed gender specific icon palettes being wrong in the summary screen
    • Fixed critical Sturdy and (Haunted Spirit) visual bug
    • Fixed Dexnav not working in certain cases (bug report by D U K)
    • Fixed Overcoat not being checked as an innate
    • Fixed being unable to hit both foes with an Artillery move
    • Fixed Wally’s pre-battle chat text has the wrong mon mentioned
    • Fixed random exit arrow in Jirachi’s room
    • Fixed Gardevoir gift wrong text (Juan’s Kingdra)
    • Fixed ability bar saying Effect Spore instead of Moody
    • Fixed enemy Ninetales’s Drought having the wrong name
    • Fixed the bug: Summary screen, L or R moves to Pokemon Stats page and modify HP’s EV
    • Fixed Pancham’s sprite floating
    • Fixed Snow Veil ability: 100% accurate moves were missing sometimes
    • Fixed “can act faster thanks to its ability” being triggered by Custap berry
    • Fixed Soul linker not working correctly sometimes
    • Fixed the background being temporarily stuck after Steel Beam was used
    • Fixed North Wind text error
    • Fixed innate Guts not working in certain cases
    • Fixed Multihit moves not working correctly against Flash Fire
    • Fixed Soundproof wrong text
    • Fixed Magic Guard not blocking Iron Barbs
    • Fixed Impenetrable Relicanth taking Rough Skin damage
    • Disabled the DexNav underwater to prevent crashes
    • Fixed Iron Barbs / Rough Skin popup when multiple on hit abilities
    • Fixed double battles not starting when you had only 1 Pokémon alive
    • Fixed Castform form change endless loop
    • Fixed Excalibur missing the Keen Edge boost
    • Fixed Flash (move) not doing damage
    • Nerfed King’s Shield to drop the Attack by 1 stage instead of 2 stages
    • Fixed Imposter (ability) popup
    • Move Effect percentage rework to work together with different percentage based abilities/innates
    • Fixed Cotton Down
    • Fixed Power Up Punch not working correctly with Sheer Force
    • Fixed Big Leaves popups being wrong sometimes
    • Fixed Poltergeist bugs
    • Fixed Protect being wrongly displayed as X vs Queenly Majesty
    • Fixed Freeze-Dry (and Sheer Cold) not showing the correct effective bonus arrows
    • Fixed Sucker Punch sometimes ignoring Disguise
    • Fixed Mr. Mime not learning Psychic (TM)
    • Fixed cut off move description for Rapid Spin
    • Fixed Steel Beam ignoring Impenetrable / Magic Guard
    • Fixed the AI not Mega Evolving when there was a Primal evolution already
    • Fixed some Pokémon not being obedient sometimes
    • Fixed a crash for the Steven multi-battle in Mossdeep against Maxie
    • Fixed Mega Kingler having Bug-type >> now pure Water
    • [Hotfix] Fixed Predator making some Pokémon come back to life
    • [Hotfix] Fixed Nurse Joy text about Mega Stones
  • Reworked / Changed abilities
    • North Wind now supports Light Clay, extending it from 5 to 8 turns
    • Dreamcatcher: Boosts power of moves by 100% if a Pokemon is asleep on the field.
      This was done because of Sleep Clause getting introduced.
    • Sighting System
      • Old: Moves with 50% or less accuracy always hit, but priority is decreased by 3.
      • New: All moves always hit. But priority is decreased when using a move with less than 80% accuracy.
    • Sheer Force
      • Now negates Life Orb recoil when using a move boosted by Sheer Force
    • Bad Dreams
      • Old: did 1/8 HP damage per turn if the opponent is asleep
      • New: does 1/4 HP damage per turn if the opponent is asleep
    • Merciless
      • Now additionally criticals speed-reduced foes via paralysis or foes using Iron Ball
    • Friend Guard now halves damage done to your partner, instead of just 25% reduction
  • Pokémon balance changes
    • Blacephalon learns Mind Blown at level 53
    • Zeraora learns Plasma Fists at level 53
    • Corviknight learns Body Press at level 54
    • Arctozolt learns Crunch at level 38
    • Arctozolt learns Psychic Fangs at level 60
    • Electivire learns Drain Punch at level 45
    • Lycanroc Midnight learns Wicked Blow at level 58
    • Steelix learns Head Smash at level 54 (no recoil thanks to Impenetrable)
    • Maracuts learns Horn Leech at level 28
    • Dragapult learns Poltergeist at level 78
    • Necrozma-Dusk Mane learns Earth Power at level 1
    • Lycanroc-Dusk learns Head Smash at level 53
    • Kricketune
      • Is a pure Bug type now >> removed 2nd typing (Normal)
      • Replaced innate Soundproof with Buginize >> works well with Boomburst
      • Replaced ability Scrappy with Soundproof
    • Espeon
      • Replaced ability Insomnia with Soul-Heart
      • Replaced innate Hypnotist with Avenger
    • Clawitzer (by Frozen)
      • Stat changes:
        • HP 71 >> 90
        • Attack 58 >> 73
        • Speed 59 >> 50
      • Abilities: Swift Swim, None, Grip Pincer >> Swift Swim, Rampage, Artillery
      • Innates: Huge Power, Shell Armor, Mega Launcher >> Hydrate, Shell Armor, Mega Launcher
    • Dragalge (by Frozen)
      • Stat changes:
        • HP 65 >> 85
        • Attack 75 >> 97
      • Abilities: Swift Swim, Corrosion, Propeller Tail >> Swift Swim, Overwhelm, Contrary
      • Innates: Adaptability, Poison Touch, Aquatic >> Adaptability, Corrosion, Aquatic
    • Bisharp: replaced innate Inner Focus with No Guard (nice for Excalibur / Guillotine)
    • Hoopa
      • Abilities: Infiltrator, Prankster Twisted Dimension >> Mystic Power, Illusion, Twisted Dimension
      • Innates: Levitate, Vengeance, Hypnotist >> Prankster, Vengeance, Hypnotist
      • Hoopa learns Hypnosis at level 1
    • Quagsire
      • Replaced ability Oblivious with Water Veil
      • +60 BST (total 510) >> now 95 on everything except Speed
    • Brionne
      • Replaced ability Pixilate with Amplifier
      • Replaced innate Liquid Voice with Pixilate
    • Darmanitan-Galar: replaced innate Anger Point with Power Fists
    • Parasect: buffed SpDef from 120 to 140
    • Dialga: replaced innate Pressure with Impenetrable
    • Buneary & Lopunny now learn Mega Kick as egg move
    • Buffed Mega Lopunny: +20 BST total (+10 Atk and +10 Speed)
    • Primal Kyogre: replaced innate Torrent with Swift Swim
    • Kartana: replaced innate Perfectionist with Deadeye
      • Learns Razor Shell at level 1
    • Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres (Galar forms too): they learn Aeroblast at level 80
    • Moltres learns Scorching Sands at level 1
    • Crabominable: replaced innate Snow Cloak with Permafrost
    • Tapu Fini: replaced innate Natural Cure with Avenger
    • Hatenna, Hattrem and Hatterene learn Hyper Voice as Egg Move
    • Pangoro learns Wicked Blow at evolution (level 32) and Mach Punch at level 38
    • Pachirisu: replaced innate Plus with Regenerator
    • Kling, Klang and Klinklang: they now have Multi Headed (3 heads), replaced Volt Absorb (innate)
      • Klinklang:
        • Replaced innate Full Metal Body with Impenetrable
        • Buffed SpAtk from 70 to 100
        • Learns Earth Power at evolution (level 39)
    • Feraligatr: buffed Atk from 105 to 125, nerfed SpAtk from 69 to 49
    • Darmanitan (Normal + Galarian): learns High Horsepower at level 47
    • Galarian Rapidash
      • Matched base stats with Rapidash (+30 BST)
      • Replaced innate Natural Cure with Striker
    • Girafarig
      • Stats: nerfed SpAtk from 100 to 90 (vanilla)
      • Learns Psycho Boost at level 30 instead of 50
      • Learns Aura Sphere at level 34 and Focus Blast at level 49
    • Tangrowth: learns High Horsepower at evolution (level 40)
    • Persian and Alolan Persian: buffed Attack by +15
    • Kecleon: buffed SpAtk from 60 to 90 (same as Attack)
    • Banette & Mega Banette
      • Stats buff for Banette: buffed HP by +20, Speed by +10 and SpDef by +20
      • Stats buff for Mega Banette: buffed HP by +20, Def by +10 and SpDef by +20
      • Swapped Vengeance & Scare >> Scare is an innate now
      • Mega Banette: replaced innate Vengeance with Intimidate
      • Learns Parting Shot at evolution
      • Learns Spectral Thief at level 67
    • Slaking
      • Buffed Defense back to 100 (+10), SpDef now 95 (+30)
    • Kangaskhan
      • Replaced ability Scrappy with Technician
      • Replaced innate Early Bird with Scrappy
    • Primeape: nerfed stats back to vanilla (105 Atk and 95 Speed)
    • Dodrio: buffed HP and Speed by +10
    • Silvally
      • New abilities Protean and Unaware in addition to RKS System
      • Innates: Adaptability, Avenger, Battle Armor >> Adaptability, Anger Point, Primal Armor
    • Oricorio-Pom-Pom
      • Replaced innate Volt Absorb with Lightning Rod
      • Replaced innate Plus with Flock
    • Pinsir learns Horn Drill at level 53
    • Ledian
      • Replaced ability Iron Fist with Aerodynamics
      • Replaced ability Technician with Buginize
      • Replaced innate Swarm with Raging Boxer
      • Replaced innate Early Bird with Iron Fist
      • Learns Mega Punch at level 17
      • Learns Dual Wingbeat at level 1
    • Solrock: buffed Atk by +30 to match the total BST of Lunatone
    • Mega Latios: replaced innate Violent Rush with Multiscale
    • Noctowl learns Expanding Force at level 57
    • Meowstic (both male & female): replaced innate Own Tempo with Psychic Surge
    • Torterra
      • Learns Body Press at level 38
      • Learns Solar Blade at level 64
      • Replaced innate Shell Armor with Impenetrable
      • Rebalanced its stats
    • Kingler & Haxorus line: removed Bug typing
    • Impidimp learns Reflect & Light Screen via TM
    • Arbok
      • Learns Recover at evolution (level 22)
      • Learns Hyper Fang at level 37
    • Naganadel
      • New abilities: Corrosion, Sniper and Spider Lair
      • Old ability: Poison Point
    • Octillery learns many special Ground-type moves
    • Escavalier learns Guillotine at level 58 and Excalibur at level 60
    • Xerneas learns Earth Power at level 67
    • Wailord learns Slack Off at level 75
  • Move balance changes
    • Sheer Cold: 20% instead of 30% freeze chance, buffed accuracy from 70% to 80%
    • Hyperspace Hole: changed power from 80 to 100, now +1 priority
    • Fire Blast: now 20% instead of 10% burn chance
    • Nerfed Rock Slide BP back to 75 (was 80)
    • Horn Drill: buffed accuracy from 80% to 90%
    • Vacuum Wave: now boosted by Mega Launcher
    • Buffed Freezing Glare, Fiery Wrath and Thunderous Kick to 95 BP
    • Buffed Freezing Glare to inflict Frostbite 30% instead of 10%
    • Changed Dragon Rush accuracy from 90% to 95%
  • Evolution changes
    • Changed Rockruff evolution methods:
      • Lycanroc via Sun Stone
      • Lycanroc Midnight via Moon Stone
      • Lycanroc Dusk via Dusk Stone
    • Mienfoo now evolves to Mienshao at level 35 instead of 40
  • Other changes
    • The AI will is now more likely to use Geomancy when it has a Power Herb
    • The AI is more likely to use Taunt now
    • Improved AI (abilities)
    • Updated Comet Punch’s move description (+1 priority)
    • Removed the rat in the PC box (hopefully once and for all)
    • Removed the Egg Incubator item (no more legendary cheating for now)
    • Added a save version system
    • Updated ability Coil Up description (Biting moves have +1 priority the first time they are used.)
    • Improved Rising Voltage (move) description: Added text: “No boost when levitating”
    • Removed PokéBlock minigame
    • Excluded unfinished Gen 8 Pokémon from the Randomizer
      • Also disabled getting Legendaries for the Randomizer
      • Separate toggle to enable Legendaries coming soon
    • Autorun in water is now working
    • Enhanced the DexNav
    • Moved Mega Stones to Norman’s intro text (5th gym)
    • Added Thick Club to Nurse Joy’s items


  • Reworked Difficulty Options
    • There are 3 difficulty options now:
      Easy — Ace — Elite

      The old Elite Mode has been renamed to Ace Mode (same teams as you’re used to).
      Elite Mode is the new, even harder mode.

      There will be much stronger teams for important fights (gym leaders, E4 etc.), but that takes some more time and is not implemented yet in v0.9.7.

  • Innate progression for Elite Mode
    • For the new Elite Mode, you will have to unlock more Innates by leveling up
      >> this prevents evolved OP Pokémon like Honchkrow in the early game from being abused too much

      You start with 1 innate, unlock the 2nd one when beating Roxanne and the 3rd innate when beating Brawly

      Screenshot not final
  • Made some important fights harder
    • Completely reworked E4 + Champ
  • New moves added
    • Steel Beam (140 BP, 100% acc, 50% recoil)
    • Aqua Fang (80 BP, 100% acc, 10% flinch chance)
    • Wave Crash (120 BP, 100% acc, 33% recoil)
  • 3 New Randomizers: Ability, Innate and Wild Encounter
  • You can choose to randomize Abilities, Innates or Wild Encounters for new games
    >> this is a “true” randomizer, this means, every Pokémon you catch is unique and can have other abilities/innates
    Example: one Rattata has Huge Power, another one has Sage Power

    Wonder Guard and other obvious abilities like Zen Mode are excluded.

    Keep in mind, that this feature is a work-in-progress, as those unexpected combinations can cause bugs
  • Reworked Setup Menu for New Game

    You can’t change those options later in-game, only for new games (excecpt Individual Colors)

  • Gen 8 Starters added
    • Now you can choose the Galar region at the start of the game

  • Updated Easy Level Caps to be more challenging
  • Now you have caps for 3 more badges
  • New Info Option for Trainer Battles
    • Now you can click on Info to see the enemy teams
      >> Replaced the Bag as it’s locked anyway
    • For wild encounters, just press L to see the same screen

  • Hall of Fame shows Mega evolutions
    • It now shows the Mega form when you equipped the corresponding Mega Stone.
      Even works with Mega Rayquaza!
  • Redesigned Juan’s gym (8th badge)
    • No more ice puzzles, far less trainers to beat.
      Should allow for a faster playthrough.

      Also reworked some teams for the trainers before Juan.

  • New abilities
    • Buginize: All Normal-type moves used by the Pokémon to become Bug-type and receive a 20% power boost.
      >> not distributed to any Pokémon yet for v0.9.7-beta
  • Bug fixes
    • You don’t skip Sidney’s room anymore
    • Gen 8 Starters are now buyable in the Game Corner in Mauville
    • Fixed the 1st enemy Pokémon sometimes holding the wrong item
    • Dry Skin now shows correctly for move effectiveness display
    • Fixed Frontier Brain Spenser in Mart of Fortree not disappearing after battle
    • Fixed some ability descriptions
    • Fixed Return & Frustration move description
    • Fixed Sheer Force ability not working correctly
    • Fixed the AI using a substitute when it has one already
    • Fixed the battler respawning its held item upon switching out
    • Fixed Multi-Hit abilities (Parental Bond etc.) not working with former OHKO moves (Sheer Cold etc.)
    • Fixed speed calculation with some abilities
    • Fixed getting infinite Zygarde 10% as gift
    • Fixed “As One” ability on entry
    • Fixed trainer Myles’ Serperior not having Contrary
    • Abandonded Ship: fixed Old Sea Map not going away after taking it
    • Fixed Gastrodon East Sea not having egg moves
    • Removed a rare occurrence of having 3 random lvl 0 Pokémon in your PC, before geting a starter
    • Fixed Greninja Battle Bond, Eternal Flower Floette and Pokéball Pattern Vivillon having the wrong offspring
    • Disabled Soul Linker working against other Soul Linker Pokémon
    • Fixed Hyper Cutter & Precise Fist always doing a crit on contact moves – they work as intended now
    • Fixed Professor Cozmo giving you the Gift Pokémon without doing the quest
    • Fixed Scott in Slateport having the wrong look
    • Fixed Substitute triggering Cotton Down
    • Fixed Zen Mode not working for the AI
    • Fixed Revelation Dance typing
    • Fixed Volt & Water Absorb messages showing the wrong ability
    • Fixed Heliolisk’s back sprite
    • Fixed Zygarde (Mystery Gift) not having access to Tutor & TM moves
    • Reworked ability Bone Zone code-wise
    • Fixed the Psychic Surge seems to negate Twist Dimension if the latter procs first Issue and other possible issues that this may cause
    • Fixed multi hit abilities going through protect and other similar moves
    • Fixed small typos for Coiled Up ability
    • Fixed Nidoqueen’s learnset missing some pre-evo moves
    • Fixed Play Nice’s move description
  • Reward changes
    • Frontier Brains Lucy, Spenser and Greta: they now give you one of their Pokémon instead of battle items and bottle caps
    • Fixed some Gift Pokémon levels which were to high (thanks Gobou!)
      • Changed the Gift Aggron level from 42 to 30 (Devon employee)
      • Fallarbor: changed Gallade gift lvl 45 to 40
  • Balance changes (thanks to the amazing community for most of these changes!)
    • Honchkrow: removed Wicked Blow as a level 1 move, now needs level 55
    • Mega Kingler: now also has Bug as 2nd typing, changed innate Shell Armor to Swift Swim
    • Aegislash: now has Stance Change as an innate. Now has 3 abilities: Shadow Shield, Dragonslayer, Soul Eater
    • Yveltal: replaced innate Soul Eater with Air Blower
    • Lapras: replaced ability Ice Dew with Snow Warning
    • Necrozma: can now learn Recover
    • Darkrai now learns Shadow Sneak at level 47 instead of Tackle
    • Mega Blastoise is Water/Steel now
    • Galarian Rapidash now learns a lot of Fire-type moves + Solar Blade and High Horsepower
    • Gave both Rapidash and Galarian Rapidash Heat Crash
    • Corviknight now learns Body Press at level 54
    • Soul Linker (ability): excluded Pain Split from activating it
    • Scyther: replaced Secret Sword with Sacred Sword as level up move
    • Mewtwo: replaced Levitate with Pressure
    • Mega Mewtwo X: replaced Levitate with Raging Boxer
    • Dunsparce: replaced Levitate with Super Luck
    • Scizor: replaced Levitate with Full Metal Body
    • Heracross and Mega Heracross: replaced Levitate with Battle Armor
    • Celebi: replaced Levitate with Self Sufficient
    • Dusclops: replaced Levitate with Iron Fist
    • Deoxys: replaced Levitate and Inner focus
    • Carnivine: added Arena Trap and Grip Pincer as an ability
    • Kyurem and Kyurem-White: replaced Levitate with Whiteout
    • Kyurem-Black: replaced Levitate with Multiscale
    • Reshiram: replaced Levitate with White Smoke
    • Zekrom: replaced Levitate with Clear Body
    • Arceus: replaced Levitate with Mystic Power
    • Buzzwole: replaced Levitate with Raging Boxer
    • Bronzong: replaced Levitate with Steely Spirit
    • Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone: replaced Levitate with Galvanize (plays nicely with Swift for Magnemite and Tri Attack for Magneton and Magnezone)
    • Lugia: replaced Dragon-type with Psychic-type, it’s Water/Psychic now
    • Victini: replaced Levitate with Magic Guard
    • Probopass: replaced Levitate with Multi Headed (it uses the small noses to attack)
    • Escavalier: buffed Speed from 20 to 60, replaced Levitate with Speed Boost
    • Klink, Klang and Klinklang: replaced innate Levitate with Full Metal Body, has Electric Surge as ability now
    • Carbink: replaced Levitate with Impenetrable
    • Tapu Koko: replaced Levitate with Natural Cure
    • Tapu Lele: replaced Levitate with Natural Cure, Prism Scales moved to ability, Psychic Surge moved to innate, has Pastel Veil as ability now
    • Tapu Bulu: replaced Levitate with Natural Cure, Grass Pelt moved to ability, Grassy Surge moved to innate
    • Tapu Fini: replaced Levitate with Natural Cure, Misty Surge moved to innate, has Water Veil as ability now
    • Lunala: replaced Levitate with Dreamcatcher
    • Nihilego: replaced Levitate with Hyper Aggressive
    • Necrozma: replaced Levitate with Filter
    • Hoopa Unbound: replaced Levitate with Hyper Aggressive
    • Obstagoon: now learns Drain Punch at level 39
    • Beautifly: now learns Hyper Voice at level 34
    • Luxray: swapped Deadeye for Bad Luck, swapped Guts and Predator
    • Accelgor: now learns Dark Pulse at evolution
    • Accelgor: swapped Speed Force with Protean
    • Crobat: buffed base Special Attack to 80
    • Charizard: swapped Solar Power with Sun Worship
    • Mega Charizard X: swapped Sun Worship with Intimidate
    • Chikorita: now learns Light Screen at level 15
    • Bayleef: now learns Body Slam at level 16
    • Quilava: swapped Berserk and Sand Rush
    • Boosted move Deathroll’s accuracy from 80% to 95%
    • Feraligatr: now learns Fishious Rend at level 72
    • Feraligatr: now learns Darkest Lariat at level 38
    • Feraligatr: now learns Parting Shot at level 35
    • Treecko / Grovyle / Sceptile: they now learn U-turn via TM
    • Mega Butterfree is Bug/Psychic now instead of Bug/Flying
    • Mega Beedrill has +30 BST now, to be in line with normal Beedrill
    • Nerfed Shedinja’s Attack stat back to 90 (from 100) and SpAtk to 70 (from 100)
    • Rebalanced most recharge moves (Hyper Beam, Giga Impact etc.) to have 150 BP and 90% accuracy
    • Roar of Time now has 90 instead of 80 base power
    • Buffed Avalugg’s SpDef from 46 to 86 (and Bergmite’s SpDef from 35 to 55)
    • Wishiwashi lost Swift Swim as innate and now has 3 new innates: Water Veil, Regenerator, Multiscale)
    • Oranguru now learns Hyper Beam (TM) & Hyper Voice (level 34)
    • Multiple balance changes by Cyro:
      • Roserade now learns more moves to use with Technician (Disarming Voice, Silver Wind, Ominous Wind, Ancient Power, Confusion)
      • Malamar got Big Pecks as innate
      • Trevenant: replaced innate Natural Cure with Tough Claws, nerfed Attack stat from 110 to 100
      • Eelektross learns Hyper Voice at level 35
      • Mienshao: replaced innate Speed Force with Striker
      • Unfezant learns Drill Run at level 33
      • Aromatisse has Fairy Aura as new ability
      • Simisage, Simisear and Simipour have Sage Power as new ability
    • Reworked Luvdisc (by Thundertacos)
      • Added Fairy as 2nd type
      • Abilities: Hydration > Unaware, Swift Swim, Shield Dust
      • Innates: Swift Swim > Soul-Heart, Multiscale, Serene Grace
      • New moves: Snore, Twister, Ancient Power, Strange Steam, Moonblast, Freeze Dry
    • Reworked Delcatty (by Thundertacos)
      • Abilities: Normalize, Friend Guard, Wonder Skin > Dazzling, Friend Guard, Speed Force
      • Innates: Cute Charm, Skill Link, Natural Cure > Wonder Skin, Feline Prowess, Nocturnal 
      • New moves: Snarl, Taunt, Rapid Spin
    • Reworked Kricketune (by Thundertacos)
      • Abilities: Scrappy, Compound Eyes, Soundproof > Scrappy, Perfectionist, Drizzle
      • Innates: Swarm, Technician, Hyper Cutter > Mountaineer,  Technician, Soundproof 
      • New moves: Silver Wind, Ominous Wind, Echoed Voice, Weather Ball, Flip Turn, Breaking Swipe, Fake Out
  • Trainer changes
    • Roxanne: Lileep: replaced Gastro Acid with Power Gem
    • Matt (Aqua base): Heliolisk: replaced Life Orb with Focus Sash
    • Tate & Liza: gave Claydol better EVs to abuse Ancient Idol
    • E4: Phoebe: Mismagius: replaced Life Orb with Focus Sash
    • Brawly rematch: Mega Mewtwo X: replaced Low Kick with Drain Punch
    • Magma Hideout: Grunt: Swalot: replaced Figy Berry with Sitrus Berry, ability now Poison Absorb
    • Frontier Brains: Slight team changes, made harder
    • Distributed the new moves across some trainers
  • Other changes
    • Super-effective move display now also takes 3rd types into account (Half Drake, Aquatic etc.)
    • Removed forgotten TM48 Skill Swap on Mt Pyre
    • Changed Locked Mode text (explained what it is in-game)
    • AI: rebalanced it to better use Stealth Rock & Geomancy on first turn
    • Added confirmation dialogue before talking to the various sages
    • Removed Medichamite and Sharpedonite in the overworld
    • Rewrote Multi Headed description
    • Added Escape Rope to Nurse Joy’s items
    • No more need to defeat all trainers for Norman’s gym (hotfix)

  • Bug fixes
    • Slateport: fixed Brawly not moving in front of the museum
    • Fixed Double battles not starting when you only have 1 Pokémon alive
    • Fixed Beast Boost showing wrong popup
    • Scare & Intimidate now works at the same time (e.g. Grimmsnarl)
    • Fixed Magic Bounce popup

0.9.5 (so much progress that we skipped 0.9.3 and 0.9.4)

  • Upgraded Start Menu and Hall of Fame
    • The Start Menu has been reworked
    • Hall of Fame now shows version, mode and level caps,
      also the amount of unique Wins & Losses (screenshot is “old”) in the whole playthrough (including forfeits)
  • New optional Locked Mode for the Pokémon League
    • Before entering the League, the NPC will ask if you want to play with Locked Mode.
      It prevents you from changing your Pokémon. You can only change items.
      You can’t change Abilities, EVs or Moves anymore.
      Locked Mode gets disabled again when losing a battle or becoming Champion.

      >> we will implement a text to the Hall of Fame for the next update to show that you’ve beaten it in Locked Mode
  • New mini boss battle in Granite Cave (Steven letter mission)
    • It might catch you by surprise 😉
  • Candy Box can now directly update to the Level Cap
    • Very convenient, especially in the postgame, 1 click to update to lvl 100
  • Winstrate family should be even harder now
    • Victor has 1 more Normal type Pokémon
    • Vicky has 1 more strong Bug Pokémon

This means, you have to defeat 11 Pokémon in a row, without healing! Good luck!

  • Holding an Eviolite now doesn’t prevent evolution anymore
    • It was annoying to remove the Eviolite every time you wanted to evolve
  • Removed miscellaneous bloat
    • Removed Wally’s catching tutorial
      • The cutscene is still present, but the catching sequence was completely removed
      • Gave Wally some more lines of dialogue to contextualise his actions and made him a bit more joyful when catching his first Pokémon
    • Removed Mr. Stone’s phone sequence in Rustboro, now the scientist does everything for you
    • Removed most useless TM NPCs
  • Added custom dialogue to every new NPC
    • Modified the dialogue the Ace Trainer in Littleroot gives you after beating the game to better fit narratively
    • Added the Sage Leader NPC to Oldale Town 
    • Added custom dialogue for every Legendary Sage NPC, they’ll now give you interesting facts and legends about which Pokémon you’ll be able to catch
    • Added custom dialogue for every Galarian trainer, they’ll now quip about the Pokémon they’ll give you after beating every trainer
  • Replaced some items (given by NPCs) with custom Pokémon
    • Slateport Oceanic Museum: the Aqua grunt now gives you a shiny Clauncher instead of a TM
    • Winstrate Family: replaced Life Orb with Victoria’s Pinsir after you beat her
    • Route 118: Magikarp Guy: replaced Gyaradosite with shiny Magikarp with crazy moves
    • Route 116: Devon Employee (after Rock Smash): replaced Aggronite with shiny Aggron
    • Lilycove: Maniac outside of Fanclub: replaced Altarianite with shiny Altaria
    • Fallarbor: Prof. Cozmo: replaced TM27 Return with Pikachu PhD (with Zippy Zap & Splishy Splash)
    • Fallarbor: Mrs Cozmo: replaced Galladite with shiny Gallade
    • Verdanturf: Wanda: replaced Gardevoirite with shiny Gardevoir
    • Shoal Cave: Old Man: replaced Slowbro with Slowbro
    • Mauville: Wattson (New Mauville mission): replaced TM24 Thunderbolt with his Lanturn
    • Trick House: You get a Pikachu with a special cap everytime you beat it
    • Mystery Gift after becoming champion: Zygarde 10% instead of Magearna
    • Route 110 (Cycling Road): replaced TM83 Flame Charge and TM93 Wild Charge with a Heliolisk (shiny if you get the best result)
  • Bug fixes
    • Ability popup is wider now, hopefully no more cut-off text
    • Healer innate popup + text
    • Weather Control popup + text
    • Petalburg Woods Galar NPC not giving you a Pokémon despite beating all trainers
    • Shed Shell now lets you escape even when trapped
    • Ability Coiled Up fixed (priority wasn’t working)
    • Move selection display (super-effective etc.) fixed some bugs
    • Made the AI aware of Unaware (now it only tries to set up Speed, not other stats, against your Unaware Pokémon)
    • Counter & Mirror Coat: the AI will now predict physical or special moves
    • Damage done message: disabled on multi-hit moves
    • Curse didn’t display the boost arrows when used
    • Archie Slateport Museum fight: fixed auto-healing
    • Fixed some missing NPC animations in Petalburg
    • Fixed Gen 8 & Legendary NPCs popping in/out on Route 117 and 118
    • Hiker Trent: fixed switching his Golems in and out all the time
    • Ashen Woods: fixed collision tile next to rock
    • Norman: fixed script
    • Half Drake popup fixed
    • Fixed move effectiveness display for Aerodynamics
    • Fixed “show damage done” for confusion damage
    • Fixed ability endless loops for several switch-in abilities (like Turboblaze)
    • Fixed Meteor Falls wrong warp
    • Fixed Castform form change
    • Fixed Mawile leveling up while Mega Evolving
    • Fixed Color Change popup
  • Balance changes
    • Manectric: replaced Unnerve (innate) with Overcharge
    • Krabby & Kingler now can learn U-turn via TM
    • Galvantula: reworked abilities & innate (slight nerf, because of strong Spider Lair / Versatility)
    • Sandygast / Palossand: replaced Stamina with Arena Trap
    • Dewgong: switched abilities and innates, now you’ll potentially be able to only double resist only one type of damage
    • Sneasel: nerfed Attack by 20 points (same as Weavile) because of too OP abilities/innates
    • Crunch is back to 80 BP (was 85)
    • Brick Break is back to 75 BP (was 85)
    • Return & Frustration: now both nerfed to 95 BP, Frustration is Dark type now
    • Light Ball now also boosts all Pikachu forms (PhD etc.), not just the normal Pikachu
    • Spinda: swapped own tempo with Moody
    • Maractus: swapped duplicate Water absorb with Rough skin
    • Glaceon now learns Sheer Cold at level 65
    • Sheer Cold now always hits in Hail
  • Trainer changes
    • Route 102: Youngster Allen with Aipom: changed Fury Swipes to Double Hit (35 BP x2)
    • Roxanne’s Lairon has it’s Eviolite back (instead of Berry Juice)
    • Steven (Postgame): Replaced Skarmory (lead) with Bronzong, now it’s a Trick Room team
      (thanks to Tuna for the idea!)
    • Made Flannery (4th gym) much harder
      • Torkoal (lead) replaced with Life Orb Sunflora
      • Houndoom has a Focus Sash instead of Fire Gem now
      • Blaziken now runs High Jump Kick instead of Reversal now and Protect instead of Endure
      • Charizard is now a special instead of a physical Attacker
      • Chandelure replaced with Life Orb Leafeon 😂
  • Other changes
    • Switched the locations of Rolycoly and Impidimp (Route 110 <-> Rusturf tunnel)
    • Fixed Brawly talking about TMs instead of his Pokémon after you defeat him
    • More polishing, removed more useless items in the overworld
    • Changed level up text when using the candy box
    • Moved Hoopa’s catching location to route 109
    • Added Magearna as a catchable legendary in route 127, replacing Hoopa (see above)
    • Added Glastrier as a catchable legendary
    • Removed Calyrex-Ice Rider as a catchable legendary due to lore reasons (there can’t be both Ice Rider and Shadow Rider)
    • Removed solo Calyrex for the same reason as above
    • Added Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde 50%/100% as catchable legendaries in route 111 (desert part)
    • Small grammar fixes and changes to Roxanne’s dialogues
    • Made the scientist after the Devon Parts subquest nudge the player in talking to Roxanne
    • Multiple AI optimizations (faster damage calculation etc.)
    • Updated the description of the abilities Defiant and Competitive to reflect their intended behaviour
  • Important fixes
    • Fix for Roxanne not disappearing in Rustboro City after you get the PokéNav
    • Fix for Birch north of Slateport (Route 110) not appearing
  • Reverted most crazy BST changes for more balance
    • Most are back to vanilla / Inclement Emerald level with some exceptions like boosted SpA for Gyarados or boosted Atk for Gengar etc.
  • Implemented some Gen 8 Pokémon, moves and items
    • Rebalanced all those Gen 8 Pokémon and changed abilities/innates and moves
    • For most of those Gen 8 Pokémon, you have to defeat all trainers on certain routes to get some Gen 8 Pokémon. You can get those infinitely. Others, you can get in the Casino or in the grass.
  • Hidden Legendaries (Postgame) implemented
    • Beat the game/champ, then defeat all the trainers on the routes you want the Pokémon from and now you can search them via DexNav, they will apear as hidden encounters.

      After beating the game, there is a new Ace Trainer next to your house, giving you all legendary items needed for form changes.

  • Gym Leaders now give one of their Pokémon after being defeated the first time
    • They have exactly the same EVs, items, abilities and moves
    • You can only get it once
  • Steven in Granite Cave changed
    • He now gives you a Honedge instead of TM Steel Wing
  • Optimized Gym Guides
    • They don’t give you useless items anymore and tell you more useful things
  • New DS-Style Party Menu
    • Utilizes the screen layout better
  • Start Menu now shows the current Level Cap, also you have to save with SELECT now
  • Implemented Game Version before starting the game
  • Cleaned up many unnecessary overworld items
    • You don’t need healing items, PP Ups, TMs or Mega Stones anymore 😉
  • Trainer changes
    • Team Aqua Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel: now has two more Pokémon, is much stronger
    • Roxanne: replaced Shuckle with Carkol
    • Rival battle (Brendan/May) after Roxanne, added two more Pokémon to cover the Fighting / Rock weakness
    • Brawly: replaced Dewott with Sirfetch’d
    • Archie (Slateport Museum) now has one more Pokémon
    • Hiker Mike (Rusturf Tunnel) now has two more Pokémon
    • Flannery: replaced Arcanine with Charizard and Talonflame with Chandelure
  • Distribution changes
    • Better distribution of Pokémon before Roxanne and Brawly between routes, also added some new ones
  • AI fixes
    • Taunt on Oblivious
    • Confusion on Own Tempo
    • Improved Focus Punch usage
    • Knock Off on Sticky Hold
    • Sand Song on Flying / Levitating
  • Balance Changes
    • Reworked Nocturnal: Now boosts Dark-type moves by 25% and takes 3/4 damage from Dark and Fairy
    • Reworked Aurora Beam: now 100% instead of 10% chance to drop the foe’s Attack
    • Gale Wings, Flaming Soul and Frozen Soul again need Full HP to activate – it was just too strong
    • Steely Spirit attack boost nerfed from 50% to 30%
    • Levitate Flying-type moves boost nerfed from 50% to 25%
    • Kingdra: Replaced innate Sea Guardian with Prism Scales
    • Gave Umbreon Dark Aura as innate instead of Lunar Eclipse
    • Changed Beak Blast move effect to behave like Scald
    • Mega Kick is a 95 BP / 100% acc move, same as Mega Punch
  • Other changes/fixes
    • Fixed default Options for new games (enabled EVs back etc.)
    • Reverted back to static main menu, removed the buggy scrolling menu in v0.9.1.1
    • Removed all scientists in Littleroot, also no more need for the PC box Ratatta
    • Disabled Overworld Poison Damage
    • Disabled darkness in caves and some houses, no more need for Flash
    • Optimized Prof. Birch speech text
    • Fixed crashes when in EVs or Moves screen
    • Fixed Vital Spirit / Insomnia Softlocking (endless loop)
    • Contrary as innate (Inkay/Malamar) wasn’t working, changed it to an ability instead
    • Changed black text for Base Stats in Summary Screen to white
    • Saving can now be done via Start Menu >> press SELECT (to save space)
    • New coloring for Saving, DexNav and PC when pressing START
    • Workaround for bug “1st enemy Pokémon has no held item”
    • Motor Drive popup fixed
    • Steam Engine popup fixed
    • Water Veil appearing on wrong Pokémon fixed
    • Changed some move animations
    • Changed the level caps speeches
    • Color-coded some menu entries (hotfix)

  • Important fixes
    • Fix for Roxanne not disappearing in Rustboro City after you get the PokéNav
    • Fix for Birch north of Slateport (Route 110) not appearing


  • Reverted most crazy BST changes for more balance
    • Most are back to vanilla / Inclement Emerald level with some exceptions like boosted SpA for Gyarados or boosted Atk for Gengar etc.
  • Implemented some Gen 8 Pokémon, moves and items
    • Rebalanced all those Gen 8 Pokémon and changed abilities/innates and moves
    • For most of those Gen 8 Pokémon, you have to defeat all trainers on certain routes to get some Gen 8 Pokémon. You can get those infinitely. Others, you can get in the Casino or in the grass.
  • Hidden Legendaries (Postgame) implemented
    • Beat the game/champ, then defeat all the trainers on the routes you want the Pokémon from and now you can search them via DexNav, they will apear as hidden encounters.

      After beating the game, there is a new Ace Trainer next to your house, giving you all legendary items needed for form changes.

  • Gym Leaders now give one of their Pokémon after being defeated the first time
    • They have exactly the same EVs, items, abilities and moves
    • You can only get it once
  • Steven in Granite Cave changed
    • He now gives you a Honedge instead of TM Steel Wing
  • Optimized Gym Guides
    • They don’t give you useless items anymore and tell you more useful things
  • New DS-Style Party Menu
    • Utilizes the screen layout better
  • Start Menu now shows the current Level Cap, also you have to save with SELECT now
  • Implemented Game Version before starting the game
  • Cleaned up many unnecessary overworld items
    • You don’t need healing items, PP Ups, TMs or Mega Stones anymore 😉
  • Trainer changes
    • Team Aqua Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel: now has two more Pokémon, is much stronger
    • Roxanne: replaced Shuckle with Carkol
    • Rival battle (Brendan/May) after Roxanne, added two more Pokémon to cover the Fighting / Rock weakness
    • Brawly: replaced Dewott with Sirfetch’d
    • Archie (Slateport Museum) now has one more Pokémon
    • Hiker Mike (Rusturf Tunnel) now has two more Pokémon
    • Flannery: replaced Arcanine with Charizard and Talonflame with Chandelure
  • Distribution changes
    • Better distribution of Pokémon before Roxanne and Brawly between routes, also added some new ones
  • AI fixes
    • Taunt on Oblivious
    • Confusion on Own Tempo
    • Improved Focus Punch usage
    • Knock Off on Sticky Hold
    • Sand Song on Flying / Levitating
  • Balance Changes
    • Reworked Nocturnal: Now boosts Dark-type moves by 25% and takes 3/4 damage from Dark and Fairy
    • Reworked Aurora Beam: now 100% instead of 10% chance to drop the foe’s Attack
    • Gale Wings, Flaming Soul and Frozen Soul again need Full HP to activate – it was just too strong
    • Steely Spirit attack boost nerfed from 50% to 30%
    • Levitate Flying-type moves boost nerfed from 50% to 25%
    • Kingdra: Replaced innate Sea Guardian with Prism Scales
    • Gave Umbreon Dark Aura as innate instead of Lunar Eclipse
    • Changed Beak Blast move effect to behave like Scald
    • Mega Kick is a 95 BP / 100% acc move, same as Mega Punch
  • Other changes/fixes
    • Fixed default Options for new games (enabled EVs back etc.)
    • Reverted back to static main menu, removed the buggy scrolling menu in v0.9.1.1
    • Removed all scientists in Littleroot, also no more need for the PC box Ratatta
    • Disabled Overworld Poison Damage
    • Disabled darkness in caves and some houses, no more need for Flash
    • Optimized Prof. Birch speech text
    • Fixed crashes when in EVs or Moves screen
    • Fixed Vital Spirit / Insomnia Softlocking (endless loop)
    • Contrary as innate (Inkay/Malamar) wasn’t working, changed it to an ability instead
    • Changed black text for Base Stats in Summary Screen to white
    • Saving can now be done via Start Menu >> press SELECT (to save space)
    • New coloring for Saving, DexNav and PC when pressing START
    • Workaround for bug “1st enemy Pokémon has no held item”
    • Motor Drive popup fixed
    • Steam Engine popup fixed
    • Water Veil appearing on wrong Pokémon fixed
    • Changed some move animations
    • Changed the level caps speeches
    • Color-coded some menu entries


  • New expanded Options Menu
    • Auto Run
    • Permanent Repel
    • EVs
    • Display damage done
    • Ask for nicknaming
    • Player AI
    • Boosted Shiny Rate
    • Individually-Unique colors
    • Sandbox mode (coming in a later update)
  • New Wild Encounters on Route 106 (Dewford)
    • 20% Inkay
    • 20% Chatot
    • 10% Buizel
    • 10% Drifloon
    • 10% Crabrawler
    • 10% Sneasel
    • 5% Emolga
    • 5% Exeggcute
    • 5% Grimer
    • 5% Grimer-Alolan
  • Changed some Berry Tree encounters
    • 20% Crabrawler
    • 20% Murkrow
    • 15% Pikipek
    • 15% Aipom
    • 10% Burmy
    • 10% Ferroseed
    • 10% Munchlax
  • Rebalancing
    • Umbreon was too bulky:
      Replaced Magic Guard innate with Predator (Pokédex entry says it’s a predator)
    • Removed Shell Trap for Turtonator, it’s not compatible with our code right now
    • Shroomish has Quick Feet as innate now (pairs well with Toxic Orb)
  • Other changes
    • Fixed some Ability descriptions
    • Changed Gym Leader rematch text for Winona and Juan
    • Changed the Gym Guide’s text for Rustboro’s Gym

If you have any questions regarding the game or want to report bugs/issues you can ask about them in Pokemon Elite Redux’ Official Thread.